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Creating document revision numbers using Jira Automation

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Jira Automation to create auto-incrementing revision numbers, so that you can implement compliant workflows on your requirements, tests, and any other documentation you maintain in Jira.  Personally, I like adding this feature to any workflow where a Jira issue can be reopened after it has be closed and approved.

Configuration Steps

Note:  These instructions are written for company-managed projects.  Currently, team-managed projects do not support the read-only text fields used in these configurations.

Custom Field

Create a custom field for your revision number:

  1. Go to Settings –> Issues –> Custom fields.
  2. Select Create custom field.
  3. Select Advanced –> Text Field (read only).
  4. Press Next.
  5. Name the field: Revision Number
  6. (Optional) Provide a field description.
  7. Press Create.
  8. Select the issue types screens where this field should be displayed.
  9. Press Update.

Configuring Jira Automation

  1. Navigate to your project.
  2. Go to Project Settings –> Automation. 

    (Note: If you have Jira Premium, you can go to Settings –> System –> Global Automation.)

Configure Rule — Initialize Revision Number

  1. Select Create rule.
  2. Under New Trigger, select Issue created.
  3. Press Save.
  4. Select to add a New action.
  5. Under New Action, select Edit issue.
  6. Select to edit the following field.
    • Field:  Revision Number
    • Value:  1
  7. Press Save.
  8. Provide a name for your new automation.  For example, “Initialize Revision Number“.
  9. Press Turn in on.
  10. Select Return to list.

 Here’s an example of the completed initialization rule:

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Configure Rules — Set Reviewers

  1. Select Create rule.
  2. Under New Trigger, select Issue transitioned.
  3. Configure the From status to be “Approved” (or whatever your closed status is), and the To status to be “Draft“, “In Progress“, etc. (whatever your reopened statuses are).
  4. Press Save.
  5. Select to add a New condition.
  6. Under New condition, select lf / else block.
  7. Configure the If block:
    1. Run actions if:  All conditions match
    2. Condition: 
      1. Issue fields condition
        1. Field:  Revision Number
        2. Condition: is empty.
    3. Press Save.
  8. Select to add a New action to the If block.
  9. Under New Action, select Edit issue.
  10. Select to edit the following field.
    • Field:  Revision Number
    • Value:  2
  11. Press Save.
  12. Select to add a New action to the else block.
  13. Under New Action, select Edit issue.
  14. Select to edit the following field.
    • Field:  Revision Number
    • Value (learn more):  {{#=}}{{issue.Revision Number}} + 1{{/}}
  15. Press Save.
  16. Provide a name for your new automation.  For example, “Increment Revision Number“.
  17. Press Turn in on.
  18. Select Return to list.

 Here’s an example of a completed increment rule:

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Get my list of 7 essential Jira Cloud apps for building a compliant SDLC in regulated industries.

More Information

Find more strategies like this in my Quick Start Guide for Jira Cloud:

For more information about Jira automation, checkout Atlassian’s documentation: